
Monday 9 April 2012

First Post from Cape Town

Good Evening

I am back!!! I have finally arrived in Cape Town (actually it is more like 2 weeks ago, but who is counting), I have settled in and the kids will start school tomorrow.  I am not sure how much crafting I will get done as all my crafting stuff is standing in crates in our room, I do not have any space to work but I will make a plan.  I hope that the house hunting will go well and that we will find a suitable house very soon.  It is very nice living with my husband's sister and her husband but being 4 adults, 2 kids and 5 dogs in a 3 bedroom house.......... well I think that says it all.  We have looked at a few houses so far, but the locations where not ideal.

But enough about that.  I have a card that I would like to share with you today, I made the card just before leaving Pretoria, I just hope that when eventually I can craft again that all my mojo have not deserted me.

I love the little candy, it is something new that I have found and I have bought a wide variety, so you will see them a lot in the future.

Thank you for taking the time to read today's post, I really appreciate all your comments.  Have a great day and "see you soon".
