
Thursday 15 March 2012

I have won an award

Good Morning

This morning I would like to share some news with you.  I have won an award!!!!

I was so privileged to receive a Liebster awards.

Thank you to Hannelie from Desert Diva for nominating me.

Liebster is German for Dearest, but can also mean Beloved or Favourite.
Apparently to receive this award there are a few 'rules'... so here goes!

1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog ... done!
2. Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you ... done!
3. Copy and paste the blog award on your blog ... done!

4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed (see below)
5. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog ... will of course do this!

I'm passing this on to the following people:Sharon from Sharons Kardz Korner, for inspiring me to start my own blog
Charlie from ABC Crafts for not only having the best craft stock (and prices) but for also being my friend!

Theresa (Tee) from Crafts Friends Angels for keeping me inspired
Ursula from Ursula Uphof for her inspiration
Moz from All Things Moz for her inspiration

All 5 of the above blogs are South African and my inspiration!

Thank you very much ladies for being my inspiration.

Have a great day.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

My very first Edwin Card

Good Afternoon

So the moving company's truck came yesterday to collect all our belongings.  All our stuff has been loaded and it will be offloaded on Friday - yes it will take the truck almost 3 days to drive down to Cape Town.  I will be following down in about a week and a half and then our whole family will be together again, I am so looking forward to that and I am missing my dear hubby so much, when we see each other again it will have been 2 months.

I had to take a photo of the truck as it loaded our stuff as the kids was at school and they were afraid that they might not see the truck that will be taking our stuff down.

Now onto the card that I made.  I made this card about 2 weeks ago and it is for my sisters little boy who is turning 5 today.  It is my very first ever Edwin card that I have made, I was very happy with the end result and the wording on the card explains Dwayne to the ''T''.  We will be having dinner with them tomorrow evening and that will also be the last time I will be seeing my sisters family before we move down to Cape Town.

The paper is from a freebie that I received with a British Craft Magazine.  It really came in handy as the colour's suited my image.

I just love this Magnolia Stamp.  Edwin wants a hug.

As I mentioned the wording '' prim & proper? well groomed? behaved? not in this lifetime'' suites Dwayne so well he is a real little boy who loves any ''goggas'' that is insects and he is always on some kind off ''mission''.

I have one other card that I have taken photos of that I will share next week and then hopefully by the week after that I will be in Cape Town and I will have my craft supplies unpacked or at the very least I will have my already made card stash at hand and I will be able to take a photo of a card that I have not showcased yet.

To all of you lovely people, have an awesome day and I will really appreciate your comments.
